Monday, July 4, 2011

Transformers: Machine over Movie?

Transformers, the must see in theaters. The special effects were good but not the story line. To much was going on. Suddenly an auto bot is energized and turns evil? Then Megatron stops the auto bot trying to kill Optimus and then Optimus kills both Megatron and the auto bot. Confusing! Also where is Megan Fox? The movie would have better with her in it. Although the model did a good job, but on the third movie you need to keep with the original. But I give her credit for being in heels the entire movie. And why was Mr. McDreamy there? I think he should sticked with being a TV doctor on Grey's Anatomy. At least he saved more lives on that than siding with the decepticons. Still like the first one the best. Overall 6 out of 10.

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